Maitiro ekubika Pasta mune Pressure Cooker

Isu tose tinoziva kuti zviri nyore sei kubika pasta pa stovetop, pasta inowanzoputika kana yakabikwa, uye mubiki wega wega wepamba anochenesa pasta ine starchy pane imwe nguva mubasa ravo rekubika mushure mokunge yavira.Paunenge uchibika pasta mune yekumanikidza cooker, haufanire kutarisa kana kutarisa kupisa kuri pasi pepoto.Iyo inobika nekukurumidza uye isina kutarisirwa mune yekumanikidza cooker.Mukuwedzera, iwe unogona kubika pasta nemuto zvakananga mumudziyo wekumanikidza, saka haufaniri kuita imwe nhanho mumutsara uye kugadzira imwe hari yekuchenesa, nhasi ndinokurudzira mubiki wekumanikidza DGTIANDA (BY-Y105) Electric pressure cooker.

Iyi yemagetsi yekudzvanya cooker inoita kuti ugadzire zvese kubva kumaapurosauce kusvika kumatatisi saladhi pakubata kwebhatani, uye Pot Yepakarepo inoita kuti ugadzire zvese kubva kumaapurosauce kusvika kumatapiri saladhi.Iwe unogona kuishandisa neanotevera mabiko ekudya kwepasta.Ingodira zvinhu muhari uye tinya bhatani.Kunyange chikafu ichi chingave chisiri chechinyakare kana chechokwadi, chakakwana kana iwe uchida kuva nekudya kukuru mukati memaminitsi makumi matatu.Verenga kuti ugadzire pasta iyi yekukurumidza mupoto yako yekukurumidza.

How to Cook Pasta in a Pressure Cooker

poto pakarepo
8 ounces pasta
2 tablespoons mafuta omuorivhi
1/2 kapu yakachekwa onion
2 mashupuni akachekwa garlic
1 pound turkey kana nyama yemombe
1 teaspoon munyu
2 maspuniki eItaly seasoning
1/4 teaspoon pasi pepper yakasviba
2 makapu muto kana mvura
24 ounces pasta muto
14.5 oz inogona kuchekwa madomasi
1. Wedzera mafuta emuorivhi nehanyanisi kune Instant Pot.Isa ku "sauté" uye kubika kwemaminitsi matatu kana kusvika kunhuhwirira.Wedzera minced garlic uye gadzirira mamwe masekondi makumi matatu.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

2. Wedzera pasi nyama.Bika kwemaminetsi mashanu kusvika ku7, kusvika zvatsvuka uye usisiri pink.Bika nyama ne spatula yehuni.
Kana yaibva, dzima Instant Pot.Bvisa girizi kana zvichidiwa.
3. Wedzera 1/2 mukombe muto kana mvura.Bvisa pasi pepani nechipuni chehuni kana spatula;izvi zvichabatsira kuchengetedza nyama kubva pakupisa uye kunamatira pani.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

4. Cheka spaghetti muhafu.Isa muhari uye isa ma noodles mune criss-cross pattern.Izvi zvichabatsira kuderedza clumping.


5.Wedzera imwe soup kana mvura, spaghetti muto uye matomatisi emumagaba (nemvura).Dururira zvinhu izvi pakati pehari.Zvakare, izvi zvinoderedza kupisa.

Dzvanya uye udye kusvika akawanda, kana asiri ese, ema noodles anyura.


6. Vhara chivharo uye uvhare valve.Isa ku "Pressure Cook" kwemaminitsi masere.Zvinotora anenge maminetsi gumi kuti Instant Pot isvike pakumanikidzwa kwayo, uyezve inozotanga kuverenga.
Iyo Instant Pot icharira maminetsi masere mushure mekunge yaitwa.Shandisa kukurumidza kusunungurwa kuti ubvise kudzvinyirira.Iyo Instant Pot inoburitsa kukurumidza kuyerera kwekumanikidza, saka ita shuwa kuti chiso chako kana maoko hazvisi pedyo nevharuvhu.


7. Kana kumanikidzwa kwese kwasunungurwa, vhura Instant Pot.Iyo spaghetti inoita seinomhanya.izvi zvakajairika!Vhara Iyo Instant Pot.Isai pasta uye regai igare kwemaminitsi gumi.Mushure mekutonhora, muto unokora.


Pakupedzisira isa pasta mundiro uye unakidzwe nenguva yekupedzisira inonaka

Nguva yekutumira: Jan-17-2022